Get Help With Your Bankruptcy Collection Defense
Filing bankruptcy can be a difficult decision. You want to improve your credit and rebuild your life, but you can’t because your debt and overdue bills are holding you back. Bankruptcy can help you by giving you a clean slate to start over and rebuild you credit. When you file
bankruptcy, most debts are eliminated. The more debt you have, the more complicated the case can be. If you feel that some collectors are trying to get money that is not owed to them, you may want to hire an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you with collection defense.
What If A Creditor Is Claiming That I Owe The Money But I Don’t?
Sometimes creditor can come forward and claim that they are owed money when they find out you are filing bankruptcy. They see this as an opportune time to get paid from you case. If believe a creditor is falsely trying to claim money, you can dispute your credit with them. Your bankruptcy lawyer can help you.
How Can A Bankruptcy Attorney Help Me?
Your attorney will look at your credit record and financial history and determine if you really owe each creditor and if the amount they claim you owe is correct. Your attorney will continue to support you and help you with all your bankruptcy needs and will represent you in court whenever necessary. Your attorney will stay by your side through your entire bankruptcy case and answer questions along the way.
Call An Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney For Help With Your Collection Defense
Bankruptcy can bring out lot of frustration, anger and emotions and if you attempt to deal with it all on your own, you may feel overwhelmed and confused. Let someone who is experienced with bankruptcy cases help you. Call bankruptcy attorney James B. Day at 314-786-1218 today.