Get Help With Your Bankruptcy Case During Your Divorce
When marriages fall apart, finances often do too. In fact, during a divorce, bankruptcy is something unavoidable. That’s a lot to handle at once and you shouldn’t have to worry about it on your own. Let experienced bankruptcy attorney James B Day help you.
Which Do I Handle First?
It is best to file bankruptcy once your spouse does. Some debts that are considered joint will still be your responsibility even if your spouse files and you don’t. Filing at the same time ill ensure that you aren’t left with all the responsibility of paying back debt you both incurred.
Filing Bankruptcy After Divorce
In some cases, people do not need to file bankruptcy until after their divorces are finalized. This is where types of bankruptcy like Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 come in handy. Your bankruptcy attorney will help you decide which one is right for you. Waiting until after the divorce will make things a little less stressful too.
Call An Experienced Bankruptcy Attorney For Help Today
If you are getting divorced and are also struggling financially, it may be a good idea to file bankruptcy. Determining the right time to do it can be hard. Let an experienced attorney like James B Day help you. Call 314-786-1218 today.