St. Louis Credit Card Debt Lawyer
In the moment, credit card purchases are made quickly and with ease of conscience as you decide that you'll simply pay it off later. For far too many Americans, later is postponed later and later, compounded by other similar purchases and emergencies. Suddenly, you are faced with staggering credit card debt and a growing sense of panic.
At The Law Office of James B. Day, LLC, we can help you find a way through the credit card debt to a place of financial security.
We provide free initial consultations to review your case and learn exactly where your situation stands. Call us today at 314-786-1218.
Missouri Debt Relief Attorney
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can generally eliminate most of your credit card debt and other unsecured debt. If you are ineligible for Chapter 7, we may be able to assist you in filing for a Chapter 13 that will allow you to pay back a portion of the debt in a more manageable manner.
There will be certain stipulations surrounding your credit card usage after you have been granted a bankruptcy. We will make you aware of those and help you understand how the bankruptcy affects you going forward toward credit repair.
St. Louis Credit Card Debt Attorney
You don't have to live under the overwhelming weight of credit card debt. The sooner you consult a skilled credit card debt lawyer to begin finding the solution the better. Don't battle this on your own, paying but never getting ahead. Allow us to help you in a more efficient manner that preserves needed assets.