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Stopping Repossession and Removing Garnishments

St. Louis Repossession Lawyer

When the pile of debt and bills cause to fall behind in significant bills such as car payments or mortgage payments, you are suddenly faced with the reality of the situation and how far it has come.

There is hope.

In seeking the representation of a skilled repossession and garnishment lawyer as soon as possible, you can stem the effects of the repossession process.

At The Law Office of James B. Day, LLC, we understand the immense strain and building panic being caused by garnishments and threats of repossessions. As everything seems to cave in on you, call the law firm that cares and will help you get past this as efficiently as possible.

We provide free initial consultations. Call us today at 314-786-1218.

St. Louis Repossession Attorney

We will evaluate the situation and help you determine how you wish to proceed. Many times, a bankruptcy will put a stop to all repossessions, foreclosures and garnishments.

If you have experienced a car repossession, we can work to get the vehicle back. Without reliable transportation, it is difficult to make to work and earn very necessary income.

Missouri Wage Garnishment Attorney

If you are experiencing garnishment, we will carefully review the circumstances of your financial situation to determine what is causing the garnishment. From there we can decide what is best. A bankruptcy will put a stop to the garnishments, and many times, we can work to recover some of the funds that have already been taken.

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